It’s no secret, I have experienced a lot of ups and downs throughout the course of my life. I believe my pain tells a story, a story that needs to be shared and still has many chapters left unwritten. At 45, I have learned to pick myself up, rise to the next challenge and fight for what I want. I am a fighter!
But pain can be unbearable and sometimes paralyzing.
It’s not always easy to get up after you have fallen, I know. There are days you want to lay in bed and feel sorry for yourself. Other days, you might not think life is worth living. I’ve been there. I’ve hit rock bottom. There are times when change seems utterly impossible.
Use pain as a tool for growth, a motivator for change.
We have all experienced some pain in our lives, some more than others. I’ve learned that though the fight can be exceptionally hard, it is worth every minute of agony if it leads to a better you, a better life.
This is your chance. Change your bad habits. Leave toxic relationships behind. Be confident in changing your mind.
Fight for what you want.
Life is too short, yet it’s both beautiful and complicated all at once. Your next chapter can be whatever you want it to be. It’s not always going to be pretty; some of my messiest chapters in life—divorce, severe depression, weight gain–were later discovered to be gifts for personal growth. You have the power to make it happen, whatever “it” is.
Fighting for something that matters to you takes time, patience and a plan. Take a stand!
Fight for happiness
Fight for loving yourself
Fight for change
Fight for possibilities