
How to make time for the most important person: You!

TOPIC: Health and Wellness

“I don’t have time.”

This is hard for me to hear.

Yes, we are all busy in our lives. It’s not always easy to find the time. But there is always time. It’s easier to eat processed foods. It’s easier to blame work and kids. It’s easier to be depressed. It’s easier to just be tired.

What is hard is to invest in ourselves.

We don’t have time to love ourselves. We don’t have time to be healthy. We don’t have time to grow. There is always 60 minutes. It’s just not always a priority.

Making that time for yourself is the biggest gift to yourself. The gift will be hard at times, but so worth the patience. For me, making time for myself starts with my calendar. And sometimes, being planful with my “time sucks,” like cooking and grocery shopping actually creates more time for me! 

Try meal planning.

Every Sunday night I plan my meals for the week. I cook large portions of lean meats and salmon, vegetables and complex carbs such as sweet potatoes, quinoa or rice. This planning helps keep you on track while always having healthy options to eat.

Buy a calendar, and use it. 

Being organized is the key to a successful daily plan. Either use a hardcopy calendar or daily reminders on your phone. 

Accept it: The day will always be busy.

Time management is important for your mental and physical well being. Proper planning on what is truly important will make you achieve your individual goals.

Give yourself the gift of time and see what grows. Make yourself a priority!