
Still Sexy at 45 & Beyond

TOPIC: Health & Wellness

Tell me, is there a certain age at which society tells us we have to stop being sexy? What is it about someone over 45 being confident and sexy that sparks controversy and so much discomfort?

True, I am getting older. When I was 20, I thought being 45 years old was a death sentence. 

Now at 45, I feel like I’m just beginning the next chapter of my life. My skin may not be as tight, yet the lines on my face show a wonderful journey through a life of parenting, falling in love, traveling, ups, downs, successes, missteps, discovering the secrets to overall wellness and becoming my own health advocate.

I find it refreshing to push the limits of age and sexuality, especially in what I wear. Why should we “tone it down” just because we’re getting older? Confidence should get better with age! Worry less about what others think and focus on your own goals.

Work hard. Be an original. Allow yourself the freedom not to care. Find your inner sexiness and let it envelop you and transcend other facets of your life! 

Still Sexy at 45 & Beyond

"I find it refreshing to push the limits of age and sexuality." -Danielle

I have lived and learned. I never followed the path of a “typical mom,” in appearance, personality or fashion. I vow not to judge others and have let go of caring about what other people think about my style choices. The jealousy or discomfort of others should not make me feel guilty about being sexy at 45. Don’t let it get to you either!

My main goal in life is to be real. Being real means embracing the person that is true in who you are and what you want to express to the world around you. My personal style showcases a flare of sexiness that I am not ready to retire, no matter my age.

I like the person I am.
I like being confident.
I like being sexy.
I like being honest.