
Go Ahead, Enjoy Holiday Eating Without the Weight Gain!

TOPIC: Health & Wellness

Is it possible to eat what you want during the holidays and not gain weight? Yes, it is!

For me, the holidays are all about being with my family and sharing that time together cooking our favorite family recipes. Even though I fast and workout like a beast (making fitness and overall wellness a focus), cooking is still a huge part of my life! I love creating memories with food. I also enjoy eating foods that I don’t eat daily, like mashed potatoes and gravy.

For many people, the holidays end up being an excuse to eat whatever they want and then they aim to start the new year strong. But honestly, “I will lose that weight in January” rarely happens, which is why I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions. I believe in starting right away. If you want real change don’t wait, act now! In my experience, the post-holiday crowd that hits the gym strong in January, often wavers two months later.

But I’ve been there, I get it! I used to buy a new journal every January to track my food intake and record a weight goal. Today, I no longer weigh myself or let a target weight rule my life. I also stopped journaling about food, but recognize it can be a valuable tool if you’re trying to find a place to start. Here’s a great article by Good Housekeeping on how to keep a food diary. You can also check out nutrition apps for a digital on-the-go version.

Go Ahead, Enjoy Holiday Eating Without the Weight Gain!

"I love creating memories with food."


Find a healthy lifestyle and balance that works for you, and tweak it for the holidays so you can enjoy yourself! Healthy eating has just become a way of life for me and my family, so I indulge freely in those delicious holiday meals that only come once a year–but I also plan for them in an intentional way.

Here’s how I approach holiday eating guilt-free without adding on extra pounds:

Holiday fasting: I usually fast until dinner on the day of the holiday, starting the night prior. All I consume is water. And then, I enjoy that much-deserved meal!

Fitness routine: On both Thanksgiving and Christmas, I typically incorporate a cardio workout and weightlifting. Burning extra calories helps you meet your caloric deficit, creating more room for extra calories later in the day.

If you put these habits into practice, any holiday meal should just equal your recommended daily caloric intake and prevent weight gain. Happy feasting!