
The Joy of Hormones

TOPIC: Natural Youth

Age is just a number when the body is working correctly. I never thought hormones would be such a big conversation. I am no expert, but my life experiences have brought me to this place. Let’s be honest: hormones are one of the most important parts to our system.

If you have an imbalance some of your symptoms might be:

  • fatigue
  • depression
  • unexpected weight gain
  • night sweats
  • bloat
  • anxiety
  • low sex drive

Often times when we experience depression and mood swings, anti-depressants are prescribed. But why is a hormone imbalance overlooked? Our culture turns to prescription medications first.

For the men out there: don’t think that just because you can get an erection, you’re good to go. Many men begin losing Testosterone in their 40s and make good candidates for hormone replacement therapy. When in doubt, check your T and review your levels.

For my fellow women: If you are interested in diving deeper into testing your hormones, I would recommend someone that specializes in Bio Identical hormone replacement therapy. See a naturopathic doctor or functional medicine doctor. I believe in finding the root causes of illnesses and doing your own research. (Here is more information on the difference)

No shame in this game.